Winter time is a popular season for the Vivid Visions Cameras Computer and Cyberspace Digital Photography classes, and the Southold Recreation Dept. has finalized the schedule.

We’ll be doing things a bit different next year, with the biggest change that the classes will be held at the Recreation Center instead of the Southold High School.  We have been grateful for the use of the High School’s computer room, but as the course has evolved to meet the needs of the students, it has become less than ideal.

The first four week session will cover the real basics—downloading images to the computer, organizing and tagging image files, and sharing to social networking sites or online galleries. We’ll use Picasa, the free program offered by Google. The second four week session will cover the basics of the digital darkroom using Photoshop Elements and Picasa to perform basic editing and retouching.

Classes fill up very quickly, so mark your calendars and keep an eye out for the Southold Recreation Dept. brochure.

Hope to see you next year!

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