After the tree is trimmed and the house is decorated for the holidays, the family shutterbug is certain to be found snapping away to preserve the memories of this particular season. But so often  the glow of the Christmas lights are lost in the bright light of the flash used to light the subjects.

What’s the answer?  Well first let’s talk about why the lights on the tree are lost in the photo.  Quite simply, the on camera flash is responding to the need for light to properly expose the shot.  Properly expose according to the settings in the camera, that is.  The camera is set to give the scene lots of light. It doesn’t know that you actually WANT to have a moody, soft glow to capture the pretty lights on the tree.  So we have to trick it. 

Depending on the features your camera has, you can simply turn the flash off and expose for the lights on the tree, or you can use the night portrait feature.  But bear in mind that this low light setting may also require a slow shutter speed, so be prepared to put the camera on a tripod or steady surface and activate the shutter remotely or with the self-timer setting.

So, this year, your holiday photos will actually show off the beautiful lighting you worked so hard to display.

Happy Holidays!

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