As in any profession, to stay on top of their game, pro photograghers participate in seminars and workshops to enhance their skills and learn from their peers. Today, I had a wonderful opportunity to learn from renowned wedding photographer Denis Reggie, known for his work with the Kennedy family. You may not recognize his name, but there is no doubt you have seen his work, unless you have been truly living under a rock for the last 20 years. Remember that wonderful photo of JFK, Jr. and his bride Carolyn Bissette as they left the chapel right after tying the knot? The photographer was Denis Reggie just doing his job.

Denis is in a class by himself, and his fees are beyond the reach of most. But, since he so willingly shares his technique with other photographers, we can replicate his lighting style for our own clients. The bottom line, as any half way decent photographer knows, is that a great photo needs to be properly lit, and properly focused. The trick that separates the pros from the wannabes is getting consistent results with available light and flash photography.

The techniques Denis shared showed me that I really only need to tweak my workflow a bit to get the consistently well lit results that Denis has become famous for. So, armed with this knowledge, Vivid Visions will be creating images lit in the Denis Reggie style, but offering it at down-to-earth prices so you don’t have to be a Kennedy to have beautiful wedding photos.

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