by admin | Jan 30, 2017 | Uncategorized
Looking for your headshot from the EEWN meeting on January 25th at the Southampton Inn? The shortened link should be on the card that was distributed, but in case you don’t have that, just visit this link and find your image to download.
by admin | Jan 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
Did you have a photo taken at the North Fork Chamber’s Gala on January 27th? Click this link to visit the gallery and download a digital version or purchase a print.
If you have questions, feel free to give a call to the studio at 631-765-3572 or email me by clicking the contact link.
by admin | Apr 8, 2015 | Portraits, Uncategorized, Weddings
Well it finally happened. The internet ate our beautiful photos. Fortunately, we kept a copy in our other online gallery, so please click on over there to see our work for weddings. portraits, and pets.
by Judy | Jan 8, 2012 | Uncategorized
We are excited to be updating the website and blog to improve your user experience-especially those who find us through mobile devices. You may find some odd layouts, unfinished posts, and photos that are not up to our usual fine quality.
Rest assured this is only temporary. When we are finished, Vivid Visions Photo and Vivid Visions Pix will be better than ever!
by Judy | Jun 6, 2011 | Fine Art & Stock, Uncategorized
This last week allowed me to cross two big items off my bucket list-photographically and in the game of life. First, many who know me also know that I can be a bit of a nag during the full/new moon cycle in May and June and I am reading tide tables, watching the weather and trying to figure out which beach will be the most promising for sighting horseshoe crab spawning. This is an annual phenomenon when horseshoe crabs travel from the deep blue ocean to lay their eggs in the high tide sands. As one fellow photog who has a way with words put it: Primordial Porn. A name that is apt, given the many male crabs that attempt the attach themselves to the female as she is burrowing to lay her eggs. I have witnessed this activity before, but never with a camera, and it has been a life’s goal to capture this for us to appreciate, and hopefully treat them with care.
Unfortunately, the baymen, who also must make a living I grant you, use this time to patrol the beaches and just fill their buckets with them. No, horseshoe crabs are not a delicacy in some far off nation’s cuisine. Instead, they are bait for a delicacy here on eastern Long Island-eels. It is the eggs of the horseshoe crabs that are most appealing, so the baymen gather up what they can. During spawning, it is like shooting ducks in a barrel.
So while it was heartbreaking to see the buckets full, it was wonderful to see the hundred or so crabs furiously working to continue the species. See the collage board below.
But first, let me also share with you the other life’s goal I accomplished this week-a ride in a helicopter. When I tell you that I have been trying to accomplish this since I was a teen, I am not exaggerating. But, for one reason or another-weather, timing, cost-I just never made it off the ground. Well this time around, my photographic skills were needed to assist in the Southold Relay for Life, by way of an aerial photo of the event. So, just before sunset, I climbed aboard a crop duster type chopper, strapped myself in, and got ready to shoot. It was one of the best 10 minutes I have ever been airborne! I have also included a collage board of some of that, too.

by Judy | May 13, 2010 | Uncategorized
When wedding photographers talk shop, a common topic is how to work around “Uncle Bob,” the proverbial wedding guest who fancies him- or herself a serious photographer with nice gear and is anxious to use it. Typically the discussion centers on how to prevent Uncle Bob from interfering with the hired pro as we work to capture the best images for the bride and groom enjoy.
As a photographer I can appreciate Uncle Bob’s perspective. Photographers are artists, and each one has a different creative vision. It is only natural to want to capture a special event like a wedding with your own style and vision. And perhaps Uncle Bob will have a perspective or vantage point to capture some great images.
Quite frankly, I welcome the participation of photographer guests at the weddings we cover at Vivid Visions Photo-Graphics. They are more familiar with the unique personalities and relationships among the guests, and will often recognize a once in a lifetime photo opportunity that the hired pro may miss. If they can capture such a moment in a photograph, I hope they will, and that they will share it with bridal couple.
However, I do hope, and if necessary will ask, the Uncle Bob of the day to respect my role as a fellow photographer, and more importantly, the hired pro, so I can do the job the bride and groom are expecting of me and my staff. We do our best to not interfere with the activities, but rather record them, and we ask Uncle Bob not to interfere with our work by jumping front of us to grab a shot or distracting the subjects while we are trying to work through the formal portrait session.
In the end, after all, we are all after the same thing-capturing images that reflect the emotion, style and beauty of this once in a lifetime event. If the hired pro and the photog guest worked together, the results can be wonderful.
Brides and grooms, do you have an Uncle Bob coming to your wedding? Tell us how you will prepare your hired photographer for him.