by Judy | Sep 25, 2011 | Fine Art & Stock
Over the weekend, the Mister and I had the good fortune to lead a tour to Block Island. Dropping anchor in the favorite summer retreat was a first for us both, and we were so pleased to have the opportunity on behalf of the Southold Town Recreation Department. Of course I brought the camera, and I was quite pleased with the photo opportunities this seaside enclave offered-foggy morning notwithstanding. We were a bit concerned initially, as the weather forecast was calling for showers-imagine a boat full of nearly 70 people trying to keep dry in a cabin built for 50! I had visions of the SS Minnow (Gilligan’s Island for those of you who need the trivia book), but despite a very foggy morning, we enjoyed dry weather, and a fabulous sunset over Greenport Harbor. A rainbow at the pier welcomed us. How grand! Here are some of my favorite images from my first visit to Block Island.

by Judy | Jun 6, 2011 | Fine Art & Stock, Uncategorized
This last week allowed me to cross two big items off my bucket list-photographically and in the game of life. First, many who know me also know that I can be a bit of a nag during the full/new moon cycle in May and June and I am reading tide tables, watching the weather and trying to figure out which beach will be the most promising for sighting horseshoe crab spawning. This is an annual phenomenon when horseshoe crabs travel from the deep blue ocean to lay their eggs in the high tide sands. As one fellow photog who has a way with words put it: Primordial Porn. A name that is apt, given the many male crabs that attempt the attach themselves to the female as she is burrowing to lay her eggs. I have witnessed this activity before, but never with a camera, and it has been a life’s goal to capture this for us to appreciate, and hopefully treat them with care.
Unfortunately, the baymen, who also must make a living I grant you, use this time to patrol the beaches and just fill their buckets with them. No, horseshoe crabs are not a delicacy in some far off nation’s cuisine. Instead, they are bait for a delicacy here on eastern Long Island-eels. It is the eggs of the horseshoe crabs that are most appealing, so the baymen gather up what they can. During spawning, it is like shooting ducks in a barrel.
So while it was heartbreaking to see the buckets full, it was wonderful to see the hundred or so crabs furiously working to continue the species. See the collage board below.
But first, let me also share with you the other life’s goal I accomplished this week-a ride in a helicopter. When I tell you that I have been trying to accomplish this since I was a teen, I am not exaggerating. But, for one reason or another-weather, timing, cost-I just never made it off the ground. Well this time around, my photographic skills were needed to assist in the Southold Relay for Life, by way of an aerial photo of the event. So, just before sunset, I climbed aboard a crop duster type chopper, strapped myself in, and got ready to shoot. It was one of the best 10 minutes I have ever been airborne! I have also included a collage board of some of that, too.

by Judy | Mar 13, 2011 | Fine Art & Stock
I am delighted to once again have my fine art photos featured at the Mattituck-Laurel Library for the entire month of March 2011. Even better, is that the North Fork Audubon Society has partnered with me so we can spread the word about the importance of the Endangered Species Monitoring Program.
The reception was on March 12, but that allows me to reach only those of you who had time in your schedule to visit the library then. So many have expressed an interest in viewing the photos, so I have posted them to the online gallery where they are also for sale in various formats. These images are great for gifts, greeting cards, screensavers, and of course home decor, plus if you purchase one, 25% of your purchase will support the North Fork Audubon Society.
Visit the online gallery here
Here’s a sample:

by Judy | Feb 27, 2011 | Fine Art & Stock
I’m so excited to be featured in a solo exhibit of my fine art photography at the Mattituck Library during the entire month of March 2011! With this my third consecutive year exhibiting at the Library, I think this may be turning into a tradition. I’m especially pleased that this year, I am coordinating with the North Fork Audubon Society to support their piping plover monitoring program. Check out the details below: 

by Judy | Mar 1, 2010 | Fine Art & Stock
One of my greatest pleasures in photography is capturing the beauty in the world around us. I have the good fortune to live on Eastern Long Island, where the seascapes, vineyard views and wildlife is literally found in our backyard. I also have the good fortune to be invited to exhibit my favorite photos at the Mattituck-Laurel Library. This is my second exhibit there, and I am very encouraged by the enthusiastic response I received for my first exhibit last year.
See below for the promo card. If you are in the Mattituck area on March 7th, please stop by and say hello.
by Judy | Dec 24, 2009 | Fine Art & Stock, Uncategorized
Just when we seem to need it most, the Christmas spirit manages to find its way into our hearts to remind us that this season, no matter what your religious affiliation, is a time to share our blessings. In fact, I have found that the most enjoyable holidays have been those that I have spent in the company of friends and family, perhaps sharing a meal or raucous game of Trivial Pursuit. The gifts, while nice, seemed to take a back seat to the memories that I shared with the people (and pets) I love.
This year, the best gift I have received is the blanket of snow that Mother Nature tossed on eastern Long Island. We don’t often have a white Christmas, so I have not had many opportunities to capture the beautiful Christmas lights and decorated homes with a snowy landscape as the backdrop. There is just something magical about a Christmas tree in a village green that has a fresh covering of fluffy snow. I long for the chance to capture snow-covered holiday images, and this season I had that chance in spades.
I’ve posted a few of my favorites below. I hope they help bring the Christmas spirit to you. Merry Christmas!
Christmas Tree at Cutchogue Village Green
Manger and Menorah –Cutchogue Village Green

Decorated Home-Southold

The cutest front porch guard